
A Portfolio Assessment that Strengthens Revenues and Improves Culture


The American College of Surgeons serves over 90,000 members worldwide, encompassing 14 surgical specialties. They provide professional education, research and resources for surgeons, quality programs for hospitals and healthcare systems, and represent the field of surgery through government advocacy efforts.

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ACS offers over 200 unique programs and activities, many of which do not generate revenue but consume considerable staff and volunteer time. The new CEO wanted an experienced partner to conduct a comprehensive program assessment with a process that also built support from staff and volunteers. This was to be a catalyst for an overall change in product development and management culture.

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Employing our Dust vs. Gold program evaluation framework,
we customized an approach that engaged staff business owners in a transparent assessment process, shared specific recommendations for program enhancements where needed, and provided data and rationale for sunsetting programs that were no longer of value. Staff and volunteer task forces were created and involved throughout the process, creating buy-in for and promoters of the outcomes.

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ACS benefited from significant bottom line savings, while
freeing up resources to be reallocated to new opportunities. A new business discipline around program management is being modeled and fostered, and MYB created tools and resources to reinforce and support this culture change.

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We want to develop the solutions that turn you
into the star of the next success story.

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